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Brookside - Blog Links

Thursday, 9 June 2005

Tonight's the night!

Well, show time once again. And this time it would seem that more attention has gone into our last minute variety show than our musical. It's a nice change from the norm because musicals only highlight a few people. And this gives everyone a chance to stand out.

It's a great idea because community theatre is volunteer...everyone gets a chance to be in the spotlight. However, I've been pretty exhausted getting ready for this show. Between working double shifts at work, rehearsals, and trying to get my costumes ready it's been an 18 hour a day thing for me.

One of my numbers is a Marilyn impersonation. I decided to actually make the dress for it, considering that I've done this routine before but with a different dress. But only having a month (and very little time during that month) to do anything made it almost impossible to finish. As it is I have to go home and fix a few things before the show tonight. I'll have about an hour to do what I need to do if I can get my make up done on the way home. Nice to know that my brother can chauffeur me around!

And it's always nice to have a few people in the crowd. Some people who work with me found out what I do in my spare time and are coming to the show. This is a side of me that they rarely see. They don't see the artsy, crazy, feminine side of me.

I'm not too sure what to thing about my current agent. I don't think they've been sending out my bio and photo to casting directors.  In the last year I've been on 1 audition for a principle role and have been sent for 2 extra roles. I'm still waiting to hear back on the audition, as they haven't made any decisions yet. But from what my agent said, I auditioned very well.

I'd like to start auditioning for theatre roles in Edmonton.  There's a really good theatre in Edmonton called the Walterdale Theatre. They get alot of exposure and it would be a great experience.  Always something to look at for next year.

Well, need to go. I've been doing nothing but singing scales all week so that my voice stays limber. I'm really nervous, but also very excited! Can't wait until show time!


Posted by brookside10 at 9:52 AM MDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:09 PM MDT

Tuesday, 14 June 2005 - 9:02 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest

Come on, tell us: was the show a success? Did you finish the dress on time? Were your co-workers properly impressed? And exactly which songs did you perform? (And dance too?)

As far as a future in theatre is concerned you seem to be planning for it with open eyes. And you do have the experience that would otherwise have been needed. I wish you well if you try to pursue a career as an actress! But do try to make time for a holiday and a bit of sun first... ;-)

Take care and write soon!

Tuesday, 14 June 2005 - 10:18 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest

Hello again!

I forgot in my previous post to ask you if maybe you could add a sound clip to your blog so that we can get to hear you sing!

Then, in the time between these two posts I looked around your website and found that you have made great new additions. Like a sound clip of your voice... You sound like you have a great voice! Would still like to hear you sing, though.

I also forgot to say that maybe you should add some more information on your website so that prospective employers can find out more about you. And that you should sign up for an artist's website. And then I saw that you have already done both those things. Good work. You give a very professional impression.

I could tell from your info in the portfolio that you have a lot of hobbies. That made me think of an interview with Jane Kaczmarek in InStyle magazine. About being an actress she said something like "you really need to have a hobby to keep you occupied when you are waiting for the phone to ring." It's not word for word, but something like that. Her hobby was interior decorating.

So to sum up you've got all the basics covered. Now all you have to do is wait for that phone to ring!

Sorry to be so long. Thanks for reading this.


Ps. Followed your link to the Gerard Butler website. Nice! ;-)

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