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Thursday, 7 July 2005

A sombre entry
Last night we held a gathering (memorial service) for one of my co-workers. He passed away on June 30. Suicide.

Suicide is always tragic. And very often, you never have any answers. You're always left wondering, "What if?" What if I had been able to read the signs? What if I had been able to get this person some help? Was there anything that I could have done? And it ends up that all you have in the end are what ifs and speculation.

We can take guesses and speculate all we want, but in the end it comes right down a few things. We can never know what kind of pain the person was in. It will never make any sense. And, if the person was committed to taking their won life, there was probably nothing that anyone could have done.

It was difficult for me last night. The last several days have seemed very surreal to me. But last night it finally hit me. He was gone.

I was glad that we could do something for the family and give everyone at least some closure to an event that was so tragic. I will always remember him and the loss that we all feel will diminish with time until we only remember all of the good things that he contributed to this world.

My step-brother committed suicide when he was just 18 years old. Not something that anyone expected. He had friends, many girlfriends, money. He was planning on going back to school. But I guess something was lacking inside of him. We will never know what that was or why. He didn't even leave a note.

Death is always difficult for those of us who go on. But it's even more so when someone is taken tragically. All we can do is help one another and remember. As long as we remember, they're never truly gone.


Posted by brookside10 at 8:13 AM MDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - 3:03 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest

Dear B,

So sorry to read about your co-worker. Good thing you had that memorial service for him. I sometimes think that gatherings in general can feel a bit silly at first but after a while the solemnity and seriousness of the situation gets to you and it feels... important and good that you were able to be part of it. That's how I feel, anyway.

Loosing a brother must have been terrible. Especially since he didn't leave a note. I have never lost anyone through suicide so I can't even imagine what it must be like. But I understand that your co-worker's suicide must have brought back memories. I am sorry for your loss.

Here is a hug for you.

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - 9:31 AM MDT

Name: brookside10

Thanks, Gigglepriest. Dealing with loss is difficult regardless of the circumstances. There's that finality to things that's hard to overcome. But, life does go on. And pain subsides until all that's left are fond memories.


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