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Brookside - Blog Links

Friday, 23 September 2005

Just a quick hello!
I'm still around! I've been busy, but I'm still around.

Lots of new projects coming up. I'm also taking a few classes (piano, vocal, horseback riding, and rapier).

I'm hoping to have a little time for myself in the coming weeks just to relax a little. Now that I won't be Production Director, it's a load off my mind. No budgeting, no arranging transportation, no dealing with actors or directors, no contacting crew, etc. Just worrying about my needs for a change.

Anyway, a friend of mine sent me this joke. Damn funny!


A Scotsman moves to Canada and attends his first baseball game.

The first batter approaches the batters' box, takes a few swings and then hits a double. Everyone is on their feet screaming "Run!"

The next batter hits a single. The Scotsman listens as the crowd again cheers "RUN, RUN!!"

The Scotsman is enjoying the game and begins screaming with the fans.

The fifth batter comes up and four balls go by. The Umpire calls "Walk." The batter starts his slow trot to first base.

The Scot stands up and screams, "Run ye lazy bastard, run!" The people around him begin laughing.
Embarrassed, the Scot sits back down.

A friendly fan notes the man's embarrassment, leans over and explains, "He can't run -- he's got four balls."

The Scot stands up and screams, "Walk with pride, Laddie!"

Have a great weekend!


Posted by brookside10 at 8:43 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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