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Brookside - Blog Links

Friday, 18 November 2005

Another year come and gone.
Well, today's my birthday! It's been an interesting year. A very busy year.

Things at work are picking up due to the upcoming Christmas season and we're now well into our rehearsals for King Lear.

It's been great working with all of the other actors and production staff. There are so many things that I've been learning and it's given me a different perspective about acting. I am so proud to be part of such a great production and can't wait until February when our show will finally be on stage!

I always look forward to show dates. I'm usually the annoying one back stage asking if we can run for another week or two. And I know that things won't change in that respect.

We've really been concentrating on the relationships between the characters lately and how they effect one another. And, of course, creating a history for the characters and their families.

The approach that we're taking is so different. It's so much more involved than the other productions that I've been in. We discuss things more. We talk about intent, direction, verse and so much more.

Well, I have to go. Take care.


Posted by brookside10 at 12:01 AM MST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Monday, 21 November 2005 - 4:34 AM MST

Name: Gigglepriest

Oh no, B, I can't believe I missed your birthday! And I who was going to remember it this year... :-(
A late Happy Birthday to you and I hope you had a nice day?

And I haven't gotten around to asking you about the competition either. Was it good?

When it comes to King Lear I'm torn. It's not the happiest play in the world, is it?
But I can imagine that it is far more "fun" to be part of the play than it is watching it. (Can I say that?)
Although, I would have come to see you, of course, if I had lived close to your city.

Hope all is well and Take care!

Monday, 21 November 2005 - 9:40 AM MST

Name: brookside10
Home Page:

Thank you very much for the belated Birthday wish. My day was nice. Well, the day after was as I had to work on my birthday.

King Lear is a great tragedy, that's for sure. It's among my favorite Shakespearean plays (MacBeth is my all time favorite). There's so much human drama and conflict in those families and people throughout the play that apply even today. People don't really change much. Ideas will evolve slightly, but ideals generally remain the same.

The play opens in February 2006. I know alot of people from out of town who would like to come, but when you don't live in the same city (or even the same country) it can be a little tough. I wish everyone I know could be there. But I know they're there in spirit and that's what matters.

Well, I should sign off. Hope this finds you well.


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