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Brookside - Blog Links

Tuesday, 14 February 2006

King Lear has come to an end.
They say all good things must come to an end. It was a great run. I know that I will see some of the cast and crew again and others I won't. And while I will miss everyone, I have many wonderful memories to take with me.

We had some decent reviews and I was asked to do a reading for Athabasca University. I will be reading excerpts from Major Barbara, A Doll's House and The Cherry Orchard. The readings will be recorded and will be available on the internet. When I have a link I will post it on my website.

So, now back to the daily grind. It will be different being back at my "real job". But, I might be able to get some more acting work in the future. I'd be happy if I could get enough work that I don't have to do anything else.

Most of the theatres in town will be holding general auditions in the next couple of months, so we'll see if that goes anywhere. In the meantime, back to the gym and my routine.

Happy Valentine's Day,


Posted by brookside10 at 8:33 AM MST | Post Comment | Permalink

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