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Brookside - Blog Links

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Wow! Looooonnnng time!

So, on a lark, I decided to check out my long lost blog.  Wow!  I had no idea that it had been this long.  Does anyone even blog anymore?  I don't know.  I just re-started my Twitter account that I signed up for years ago and never used.

Anyway, alot has happened.  My Mom died 8 years ago this August.  I left the job that I was at and got a new job.  Brooke died 6 years ago this August.  My oldest sister died a year and a half ago.  I left the new job I had and started looking after my Dad full time last summer.  I've had to make alot of sacrifices in the last several years to help my Dad out.  I moved out to the farm and gave up pretty much all my free time.  So, alot of what I was doing was put on hold.  Then my Dad died in November.  Alot of loss.  Alot of change.

My Dad dying has been really hard on me.  I'm still coming to terms with it.  I have good days and bad days.  More good days lately than bad.

I'm working part time right now.  My Dad made me his executor and, of course, I didn't realize how involved being an executor was.  Working part time gives me alot of time to get things done so I can settle the estate.

I'm still trying to figure out who I am and I have no idea.  But I've come to the conclusion that I just need to stop analyzing.  I think too much.  There are always more questions and it leaves me unhappy.  I need to just stop and take each day as it comes.

There's still some sort of plan - I mean, I need the basic necessities.  But rather than rehash things over and over, I just need to deal with them and move on.  Then find moments of happiness and revel in them.

As for work, I want to do something I truly enjoy.  I've also been giving alot of thought to moving.  New place, new people, new experiences.  Kind of exciting.

As of July, I will be making a few changes.  Not life-altering, but necessary.  One being my diet.  Enough eating crap.  I feel terrible and it's not good for me.  So, my "quit junk food day" will be July 1, 2015.  I know that making this change will make me feel better and have more energy.

Next, I plan on going out to auditions again.  I'm shooting for October.  There are some productions coming up around then.  And I should have the estate mostly settled by then, so I'll have time on my hands.

For now, I'm just going to send it out to the universe.  I'm listening?


Posted by brookside10 at 7:52 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 21 June 2015 8:31 AM MDT

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