Monday, 2 August 2004
Long weekends...a good time to get nothing done
This weekend was the long weekend. Of course, as with any long weekend, I have all of these great plans for things that need to get done. In the end, I accomplish very little.
I'm still trying to figure out why. I know that half of the things I have planned involve working outside. Unfortunately, it's been so rainy lately that you can't do anything outside. And if the rain doesn't get you, the mosquitos will. When I let Brooke outside last night to do her thing, she got swarmed. These stupid things were coming out of everything. The grass especially because of all of the rain lately.
We did have some sunshine this weekend, but didn't accomplish nearly what my brother and I had planned.
Most of my weekend was spent rearranging everything. When you move from a house to a trailer, there's bound to be a shortage of space. Especially considering I have alot of books, movies, music, etc. Trying to find a space for everything is tough. Sacrifices have to be made. And items either get thrown out or are relegated to the shed. I'm still working on it and it'll probably take me a while yet. I only hope I'm done before Aug. 15 (that's when I start auditions for my play).
I'm going to cut it REALLY short today. Weekends are supposed to be a person's chance to catch up on sleep. I didn't. So I'm a little catatonic right now. Need caffeine.
Posted by brookside10 at 6:01 PM MDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2004 2:17 PM MDT
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