Tuesday, 3 August 2004
Why on Earth would you drink that?!!
My Dad, for some unknown reason, doesn't always think. Not to say that my Dad is an idiot. Far from it. It's just that sometimes I think his brain goes on hiatus for a few minutes.
I said I'd post it. So, here's the story of when he drank poison...on purpose.
My Dad and my step-mother live on an acreage outside of town. They have about 40 acres. Nice little place. Because they're both retired, they spend their time "working" on the farm.
My Dad has a leather supply business. He manufactures and designs equipment for Emergency Services Departments (Police, Fire, Ambulance, Security, etc.). He does quite well with it and it gives him enough to keep him busy.
My step-mother, on the other hand, raises animals. She's always been an animal lover. They have horses, cats, dogs, and chickens. At one time, they had geese, goats, turkeys, rabbits and ducks as well. A regular MacDonald's farm.
Having alot of animals means cleaning up alot of crap. Literally. It's hard to find just the right cleaner that will sanitize and kill all the germs and leave everything smelling fresh. Fortunately, she was able to get her hands on some industrial cleaner.
As there are always puppies in the house, she decided to keep some inside in the bathroom. Being that it was a concentrated solution, she put a small amount in a Sun-Ripe juice container, marked a skull and cross bones on it, and put it under the sink in the bathroom.
So, one day my Dad is in the bathroom. For some unknown reason, he gets thirsty. Why he was looking under the sink, I have no idea. But he finds the juice container and decides to take a drink. He then comes out of the bathroom and runs up to my step-mother. All he could say at the time was, "Unngh! Unngh!" and showed her the bottle.
Of course, her first reaction was, "You didn't drink that, DID YOU?!!" So, a call was made to the Poison Control Centre. He was going to be okay. They went through the normal procedure regard when someone ingests chemicals (obviously initially expecting it to be a child rather than an adult).
It's years later and we still like to "remind" him of his momentary mental lapse. Of course, now that he's in his 70's, I tell him it's probably just due to senility. And he can never figure out if I'm kidding or not, because I just smile and walk away.
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