Thursday, 12 August 2004
My one...and only...experience with Hollywood and LaLaLand
At one point or another in everyone's life, they travel. Although, usually when I go somewhere, strange things always seem to follow me. I thought that I would share some of my experiences when I went on a trip to Los Angeles a few years back.
I was working as a dance instructor at the time. Our vacations were scheduled. One week in the summer and one week at Christmas. A friend of mine was going to Las Vegas and Los Angeles and offered to take me along. Hey, free trip. So I said yes and the reservations were made.
The flight was great. We went to Las Vegas for a few days first and then flew to Los Angeles. I'd never been to the U.S. before, so this was going to be quite the experience for me.
Aside from the usual things, seeing a guy standing on the side of the road with a sign begging for money for his son and getting lost after a tie-up on the freeway, everything was pretty much normal.
Being that I was fairly young, I wanted to experience some of the nightlife that L.A. had to offer. We were staying at the Universal Hilton at the time. Not knowing anything about L.A., I decided to ask the concierge if they could recommend a good nightclub. Of course they could. A little place just off Rodeo called Tatoo's (at least I think that's how it's spelled). Boy, was I naive.
So, I get dressed up in my favorite navy dress. It was my favorite because of the reactions that I used to get from men when I would wear it. Sleeveless, form fitting, panel slits in the skirt to show off my legs. That kind of thing. Sexy and classy.
We pulled up and out in front there were a couple of limos. There really wasn't a line up, so getting in was easy. We made our way down this really strange hallway (red carpet, red walls and ceiling, with a red curtain leading into the club). The place was tiny. I could have fit my room into the dance and bar area alone.
I noticed as I walked in how "over" dressed I was. On the dance floor was a girl with bleached blonde symmetrical hair, a silver skirt, and pink tights. I can't remember what else she was wearing as those were the most noticable features. She wasn't the only memorable attraction, but I'll leave it at that.
I figured, what the hell. The place was obviously a little strange. We're here. Might as well have a beer and head somewhere else. To my dismay, I later found out that the bars in L.A. (so I was told) shut down at 1:00 am (unlike the 3:00 am here). So we never did go anywhere else that night.
My friend and I were standing at the bar when this guy walked up. He had mafioso written all over him. Big guy, suit, kind of greasy. And he said, "My boss would like to buy you a drink." MY BOSS! Either this was a joke or I was on candid camera. But, ok. What the hell.
At the end of the bar is "his boss". I go to the end of the bar and have a quick beer. I don't even remember the conversation. Probably because I wasn't really listening. Afterward, I thanked him for the drink and my friend and I left.
Glad to be out of there, I relayed to my friend what a surreal experience that was. Unbeknownst to me, however, the "employee" had approached my friend and asked if I could stay out all night.
Well, that was a creepy feeling. Three weeks after I got back home, I heard that the bar had been raided by L.A.P.D. Something else was that my friend spotted an undercover officer in the bar the night all of this had happened.
The only other thing that happened on the trip happened on Sunset. We went to this bar (can't recall which but the name Roxy springs to mind). Anyway, tiny place once again. Strange people. Weird, shitty band.
We're sitting quietly at the bar having a beer (my beverage of choice) when this guy approaches me. He says that I should be in the movies. My first instinct is to think, "What kind of movies are YOU talking about?" He then hands me his "business card". Now, I'm no expert, but business cards are usually printed. This one had his name printed on it with a phone number hand written on the bottom. I said thank you, while trying not to laugh, and he left. I then tore the card up and left it in the ashtray.
The rest of the vacation was pretty good. I haven't been back to L.A. or Vegas, but would really like to go someday. At least vacations with me are eventful. Stuff like this is always happening.
Friday, 13 August 2004 - 1:04 PM MDT
Tad Bitter
Home Page:
Next time you head to L.A. let me know I'm I'll suggest some better places for you. It can be fun town if you know your way around. And yeah, it sounds like you went to the Roxy.
Friday, 13 August 2004 - 1:25 PM MDT
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I think it'll be awhile before I head to the big L. It was an experience to say the least, though. Just wish I could have found some place with semi-normal people (I'm sure that's a stretch in L.A.) where it doesn't close at 1:00 am. Things here don't even get going here until 11:00 pm. Sure would have been fun to spend more than a few days there. Maybe next time.
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