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Brookside - Blog Links

Tuesday, 14 September 2004

It has been a very busy few weeks. Hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly.

Rehearsals for the play are coming along. All of the blocking is done and now we're just trying to clean everything up. The set is mostly done. Given some of our venues, we've had to make some minor adjustments to the size. But, it's working out.

Training has begun with the Fire Department. That's going to occupy the rest of my time. So now, I almost have no free time at all.

I'm beginning to feel more comfortable as a director now. But I still think that there is more that I should be doing. It's a matter of getting everything just right. We have another month yet to go and we're not out of book yet. I think that I'm going to insist upon it by the end of the week. Now that blocking is done, we have to make all of the movements smooth. And you can't do that if you're still hanging onto your script.

I don't have much time to write anything further. I'm hoping on the weekend I can do so and check out a few other sites that I haven't visited for awhile. I hope that all is well in cyberland.

Until later.


Posted by brookside10 at 1:05 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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