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Brookside - Blog Links

Sunday, 19 September 2004

Been a while!
Hard to believe that time can pass by so quickly without us noticing.

It seemed like only yesterday it was July. Now, it's almost the end of summer. Well, pretty much the end here. And so much has happened.

I've been directing the play...and learning alot along the way. It's going very well. Now that I'm no longer as nervous as I was.

Training with the fire department is coming along. I only have about 2 weeks left.

The weather is crappy. But that's par for the course here. Been too wet and too cold. One of these days I'll have to move...unfortunately that requires a little something called money. Which I'm always in short supply of.

Well, I have to go...again. I'll try to go into more detail later.


Posted by brookside10 at 11:00 PM MDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink

Friday, 24 September 2004 - 8:03 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest

Hey B!

Been a while here too. You seem to have been very tired these last three posts. Hope you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. But, if I understand you correctly the premiere is three weeks from now, so maybe not yet, huh?

This time of year as we go "deeper" into the wintertime I try to remember that Christmas is (rather) close and this helps sometimes. (Lighting candles, drinking tea and listening to Christmas songs really lifts the spirit.)

I found your picture here. Oh my, looks very dramatic! Is it a new picture?

Have a nice weekend if you can and take care of yourself!

Friday, 24 September 2004 - 12:39 PM MDT

Name: Brookside
Home Page:

I know what you mean. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just that sometimes that light is more like a flicker at times.

Life is kind of funny that way. Maybe I just need to get a little sleep. Sleep is good. If I ever won the lottery, my first order of business would be to sleep for the first year. Then, I think I'd go somewhere else and sleep for another year!

Well, I just feel that way sometimes.

I like Christmas. I love the lights. You can never have too many lights. And people seem genuinely nicer to one another. They smile a little easier, they laugh a little more, and they general enjoy the company of those around them. I just don't like the 8 months of snow that goes along with it. Snow is moderation, of course.

The picture is one of the ones that my agent has. Not that it gets used much. Been on one set in the last year and that was for a music video. Oh, well. At least I have the theatre. I love performing live. You never know what's going to happen!

Thanks for writing. I hope you have a great weekend. Most of mine will be spent in rehearsals and at my step-mother's birthday party. What do you get for a 60 year old woman who has everything?


Thursday, 30 September 2004 - 5:22 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest

Christmas and sleeping - those are my favourites too!

Just curious: what did you get for your stepmother? Could be good to know what to get for someone who has everything. (Unless you think it's too personal of course.)

BTW, any ideas what to get for a father who says he doesn't want anything for his birthday when in fact he does?


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