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Brookside - Blog Links

Friday, 24 September 2004

Quick hello
So, I know that over the last several weeks I've been a little preoccupied. Well, about 4 weeks from today is the opening night of our show. And, yeah, I'm a little stressed.

My producer, although I think the world of him, hasn't done what he should have been doing. In fact, I've been left high and dry on a number of issues. Suffice to say that I'm also doing costumes. Kind of no choice. Someone has to step up to the plate. I'm not doing all of them, but some.

And it has been difficult working with these people. Their experience is good, but their ability to follow direction sometimes is a little lax. Let's just say that I've had to pull a few people aside and leave it at that.

All in all it is coming along. Now we're in the final stages of refining the action and delivery that I want. I think it might be a while before I decide to tackle directing again. But at least I now know what to expect.

I had to put the Fire Department thing on hold for now. I just couldn't properly devote my time to it. Considering that right now my time is so divided I have to arrange set times to even sleep. And it's not fair to everyone else when my attention is not on the task at hand.

Well, I do have more to write, but I don't have any time right now. I might try to tackle something on the weekend.

For now, hope everyone is having a great weekend. It's a sunny 21 in Alberta today and I intend to enjoy the weather while it lasts! At least I think I can sometime between 4:15 pm and 5:00 pm!


Posted by brookside10 at 12:55 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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