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Brookside - Blog Links

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Boy, what a weekend!
It's been a busy week and it was a busy weekend.

We had our annual general meeting. It went really well. Somehow, though, I ended up being elected as Production Director. I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do. As far as I know, I just show up to the meetings and make sure that no one screws up the shows. Beyond that, I expect there's not much! I'm sure there's more to it, but I'm almost afraid to ask.

I went to my step-mother's birthday party without any clue what to get her. She's incredibly difficult to buy for. She's one of those women who "expects" you to know what to get her. Like I actually listen to every word that she says throughout the year to get just even a slight hint on what to buy her! So, I brought a fruit tray and provided the entertainment (I sang a few numbers). And I also stopped my Dad from going ass over tea kettle into the fire about 6 or 7 times, so I think I've done my part.

My dad, on the other hand, is usually easy to buy for. He always used to tell us when we were kids that he would be happy with a homemade card. Something like that was much more special as it was made by us especially for him.

For his birthday, however, I thought that I would get him something a little unique as far as he was concerned. My dad is 74 years old. He's diabetic and frequently lets his blood sugar drop way too low. He's passed out a few times. And my step-mother has had 3 heart attacks. Add that to the fact that my dad is a clutz and it spells Personal Handheld Radios. So, my brother and I got them a set. I figured that the next time my dad crashed his head into something or if someone breaks a hip, at least the other one can call an ambulance and will know where the other is.

Usually, we buy him tools. But he has everything. Literally. Chainsaw, jack hammer, drill press, you name...he has it. If he doesn't have it, then no one needs it. He used to build houses, so you kind of have to be well supplied. It just makes it harder to buy for him. He already has all of the less expensive items. The only thing he doesn't have is a welder and I don't want to dish out the money for that sort of a thing.

Well, I have to send away some stuff for our promotions people. I got a call from my agent. Looks like I'll be cast in a movie. It's only an extras job, but at least it's a paying one and it's something to put on my bio.

I'll leave you with this final thought (for those who remember the Uncle Bobby show):

Have a happy day, even if it's not your birthday!


Posted by brookside10 at 5:35 PM MDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink

Friday, 1 October 2004 - 8:44 AM MDT

Name: Gigglepriest


Extras job: Congratulations, I hope you get it!

Diabetes: My cat had diabetes for three years and it was hard work giving him insulin shots every 12 hours. Now my best friend's cat has been diagnosed with diabetes... I thought it was uncommon for cats to get diabetes but now I don't know what to think.

Birthday gifts: My dad will be 70 so it feels like we should get him something special, but he just keeps saying he doesn't want anything. (But I know he does!)

Have a nice weekend!

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