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Brookside - Blog Links

Friday, 17 December 2004

It's been a busy year
Been a little while since my last entry. And it's been a busy year.

Never thought that time would fly so fast. And I never thought that I would fail to accomplish everything that I had set out to this year. But, I'm one of those kinds of people who tends to go overboard from time to time, so it's only natural that not everything was done.

The show is now over. It was a great success. But, it was time for it to come to an end. 9 venues and 15 shows. That's alot for a community theatre group. Especially when everyone has jobs and families outside of the theatre. So, now on to the next project. But, I'm not taking so much of a front seat this time. I'll be in the background. And now that it's the silly season, things will be at a halt until next year.

I put the script on the back burner for a while. Too busy with the show ending and work to really give it any attention.

And, I emceed our staff Christmas party this year. It was a big production...of course. We do theme parties and this year's was Hollywood. Right up my alley. Of course I had to have music, the right lighting, sound, and trivia. I did a bunch of trivia on Power Point and had the tech guys play it on the big screens. And I wrote the script. It was just like on of those awards shows. My co-emcee and I had 5 character changes. It was alot of fun and we've had rave reviews ever since.

Well, that's it for me until probably next year. I'm working alot over the next couple of weeks. Hope everyone has a great New Year's and that Santa's good to them.

Until later,

Posted by brookside10 at 2:56 PM MST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Thursday, 23 December 2004 - 6:40 AM MST

Name: Gigglepriest

Dear B,

I read your Texas Chili Taster joke yesterday and thought that it was hilarious! It put a big smile on my face! :-)

It's been a long while since I last posted, but I have kept up with your writing, which is excellent as usual. Especially those philosophical posts. I look forward to more of those.

But for now, I wish you a very merry christmas!


Thursday, 23 December 2004 - 10:29 AM MST

Name: brookside10

Nice to hear from you again, Gigglepriest. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. Unfortunately, I've been sick the last few days. I think it's my body's way of telling me that I've been over-doing it for the last few months. And it really sucks because who actually enjoys being sick?!

Anyway, going Christmas shopping with my sister today (she's driving...don't think I could in my current condition). I hope to be in and out of the store in an hour. I'm one of those women who actually hates shopping. It's not just the shopping, it's the crowds, the line ups, the rude people and the fact that I have no patience for any of it. I also hate the fact that Christmas is so commercial. There is so much emphasis placed on acquiring the perfect gift for that special someone. Why buy crap that a). you can't afford, b). they're not going to like, c). they're not going to use, d). they already have 4 of? But we all do it year after year.

I think I'd better quit while I'm ahead. The fact that I'm feeling a little lightheaded might have something to do with the fact that I'm feeling a little bitter. I'm also having a hard time concentrating right now. Better get back to bed.

Have a Merry Xmas!


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