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Friday, 6 May 2005

Just a quick Hi and See Ya Later!

It seems that far too long passes these days before I can get another entry in here.

Our end of the season show is postponed until the fall. The theater is undergoing renovations and won't be ready until about October. So, instead, we're doing a variety / revue show. Should be really good. But somehow I got volunteered to do 2 extra numbers. Oh, well. At least I'll be able to use my choreography skills again.

Summer is approaching and everything's really starting to get green around here. Leaves are on the trees and the weather is great. I'm hoping to be outside a little more from now on.

Decided to give the dating scene a break. I haven't had much luck lately. I dated a guy for a month and then he told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship yet. And the guy I dated before him...well, that's something we'll just leave alone.

So, I'm going to concentrate on me for a while. My brother and I want to move closer to the city, so we're trying to fix up our place a little bit before we sell it. And with that comes downsizing. You know. Getting rid of a lot of crap that you've accumulated over the years.

Well, have to go. Really busy, so I don't have a lot of time. Hope to update on everything soon.


Posted by brookside10 at 7:49 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:23 PM MDT

Thursday, 7 April 2005

Hello, All!

It always seems that it takes me a couple of weeks to get around to updating this blog. Time flies so quickly.

Some days I wonder what it would be like to be on some nice, deserted, tropical island.  Somewhere that I would never need to rely on a watch. But, c'est la vie, right?

Right about now all I really want is a little sleep and some time to myself. I've been trying to slow down a little. At some point you realize that you've overextended yourself. That's the point I'm at right now.

I've become so run down that now I'm sick. So, my rest and relaxation is being at home with a throat infection and taking antibiotics. Lovely! Well, at least it's a break.


Posted by brookside10 at 2:15 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:28 PM MDT

Saturday, 19 February 2005

Happy Belated New Year!

Well, we finished the production and it was a great success! However, it was completely draining for me.

I was so involved with every aspect of the play that I didn't have much time for anything else...including sleep. So, I've decided that if I ever direct again I won't be acting as well. And now I know more about what to do so I'll be better prepared.

Work on my screenplay is going very slow. I've been so busy at work lately that I haven't had much time to really devote to it. And I lost alot of my changes when my computer crashed a while ago. So, now I have to add alot of stuff in that I completely lost. Oh, well. The way that I look at it, I probably lost all of the crappy stuff anyway.

Not enjoying the dating scene lately. Last date didn't exactly go very well.  Plenty of other fish in the sea.

Still trying to find my Mr. Right. Not "the" Mr. Right, but the man who is most perfect for me.

I think that Mr. ,or Miss, Right is whomever, in your estimation, is the person who best fits your personality and has all the qualities that you're looking for. He or she is completely different for everyone.  Once you find that perfect person, all of our quirky little traits are what endear us to one another the most.  One of these days I hope to find him.

Tell you what, help me out. If you have a dazzling smile, are down to earth, funny, honest, sincere, and genuine (with brown hair and piercing eyes - a bonus for me!), let me know. By the way, being actually available and someone who wants more than just one thing is also a must! Here endeth the personal ad! Thanks for indulging my rant.


Posted by brookside10 at 11:15 PM MST | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:39 PM MDT

Friday, 17 December 2004

It's been a busy year
Been a little while since my last entry. And it's been a busy year.

Never thought that time would fly so fast. And I never thought that I would fail to accomplish everything that I had set out to this year. But, I'm one of those kinds of people who tends to go overboard from time to time, so it's only natural that not everything was done.

The show is now over. It was a great success. But, it was time for it to come to an end. 9 venues and 15 shows. That's alot for a community theatre group. Especially when everyone has jobs and families outside of the theatre. So, now on to the next project. But, I'm not taking so much of a front seat this time. I'll be in the background. And now that it's the silly season, things will be at a halt until next year.

I put the script on the back burner for a while. Too busy with the show ending and work to really give it any attention.

And, I emceed our staff Christmas party this year. It was a big production...of course. We do theme parties and this year's was Hollywood. Right up my alley. Of course I had to have music, the right lighting, sound, and trivia. I did a bunch of trivia on Power Point and had the tech guys play it on the big screens. And I wrote the script. It was just like on of those awards shows. My co-emcee and I had 5 character changes. It was alot of fun and we've had rave reviews ever since.

Well, that's it for me until probably next year. I'm working alot over the next couple of weeks. Hope everyone has a great New Year's and that Santa's good to them.

Until later,

Posted by brookside10 at 2:56 PM MST | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Friday, 26 November 2004

Tempus fugit
Another week has come and gone and we're down to our final 4 shows. Two shows this weekend and two shows next weekend. Hard to believe it's over already.

When I first began this directorial endeavor, I didn't stop to look at the bigger picture. Making sure that everything was done the way that I wanted it done and that I had everyone in place. I assumed that most of this was the producer's job. How stupid was I?!

Maybe in some larger production or a movie, that would have been the case. But, there were so many other things that I had to take care of. I now have a greater understanding of what happens behind the scenes. And it'll help me in my acting as well.

I haven't had time to even touch my own script the last several weeks. I've been too engrossed in other things to even think about it. But, I'm sure that the time I've spent away from it will allow me to return with a new view point.

I decided to audition for another show and should know by next week whether I've got the part or not. At least rehearsals won't run until February, so I have some time to clear up a few things.

It would be nice to be able to vent with some bitter diatribes about life and love, but I'm just too tired. Maybe when I get some sleep I'll be back to my old self again.

Until then, keep your stick on the ice.


Posted by brookside10 at 8:58 AM MST | Post Comment | Permalink

Sunday, 21 November 2004

Well, did it again
You ever think that sometimes it's just better if you'd stayed in bed? That was my thought this week.

We're down to the last 4 shows and things are going well. However, the sleep deprivation is now getting to me.

Not only am I walking into walls and discovering bruises in places that I don't want to mention, I'm now drawing blood.

On Saturday, we showed up early to set everything up for the show. Because we've moved the set so much, it needed a few touch ups. So, being the clutz that I am, I mentioned in passing that I should be informed of where the paint was. Knowing me, I'd walk right into it.

As we had everything set, I began to get a few things set up for the bar. There were a few glasses that we used on stage that needed to be washed. No big deal right? Wrong.

I put everything in the sink and began to wash the glasses. I got a few done when I started to wash the champagne glasses. I put my hand inside and snap. The glass broke cutting my finger in the process.

I grabbed a tea towel and called for help. Now this is an hour before show time. Therefore, no time to go to the hospital. The guys weren't much help. Panic set in and I was the only level headed one. We got the first aid kit from the front (which of course had almost nothing in it) and I placed about 4 bandaids over it. I managed to close everything up pretty well, but needed to change it at intermission.

We finished the show and everything went fairly well. But, I wasn't the only one in trouble. One actress had a back problem, one actor was sick to his stomach, and another actor stubbed his toe on a weight. We were just a mess.

I decided, since it was only 11:00 pm, not to go to the hospital right away. I hate waiting in emergency. So, we went out for a few beers and I drove myself to the hospital after. Luckily, there was only one other person in the E.R. and that was a guy with constipation. 4 stitches later and I was done.

This is not an uncommon occurence for my family. I'm thinking of having t-shirts made that say, "Hello. I'm a (insert last name). Have a first aid kit handy."

The stories of my Dad are legendary. But, I'll save that for another day. Until then, I think I'll stay away from all potentially sharp objects.


Posted by brookside10 at 9:06 PM MST | Post Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, 17 November 2004

What the hell was that?!

Okay, I have to admit that the last entry was a little depressing.

Tomorrow is my birthday and every year I seem to go through this self-evaluation of my life. As if somehow my life hasn't measured up to my expectations.  Then the more I think about it, the more depressed I get.

Life doesn't always turns out the way that you think it should. That's the key word...think.

As a child, there is no real world.  There's play time. And then you grow up to realize world isn't always sunshine and lollipops. It's like believing in Santa Claus. One day you discover that he's not real. You're hurt or angry or just feel plain cheated. Because at that moment, there's no magic anymore.

Anyway, as I sat there feeling this incredible self-pity, I wrote the last entry. Of course, I slapped myself silly afterwards. I mean, what the hell was I thinking?! Life is never great. You make adjustments as you go and there will always be problems to overcome.

I guess I've been procrastinating so long that all I can do is bitch about this rut that I've created for myself. There's some safety in knowing what lies ahead from one day to the next. But I really do long for those days when I would just be spontaneous. It was fun. There's something very liberating in it.

I'm just hoping for a better tomorrow. But I have to make it happen on my own.

I have been doing a lot of soul searching and I still have to discover who I am. What do I want most out of life and what's most important for me?  Not the secrets of the universe and the whole "why are we here" thing. Just things that will make make me happy. And I guess that's just what everyone else is trying to figure out. At least I know I'm not alone.

So, as Sydney Freedman from M.A.S.H. said so appropriately, "Take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice."


Posted by brookside10 at 10:34 AM MST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 5:56 PM MDT

Monday, 1 November 2004

Back after a hiatus
Hard to believe how quickly time can pass when your life is occupied with so many other things. I've barely had time to sleep lately.

The play is going very well. We're into our second week and the audiences are loving it. They're laughing, which is really important when you're doing a comedy. A comedy without laughter...not a good sign!

Being as this is my first directorial attempt, I was nervous to the point of nauseousness. But, that is now subsiding.

Even with all of the preparation that I had done before, there were so many other things that I didn't fully expect. I can now appreciate what a director goes through just to keep his/her sanity. I'm thinking ALOT of alcohol, but that's my opinion (just kidding)!

I must confess that I will be glad when the play has run its course. I'm looking forward to at least a little time off. Maybe a week or two. But I guess what I'm really looking forward to is not worrying about every aspect of the play. The lights, the sound, the music, the props, the set, transportation of the set, the wardrobe, ticket sales, venues, advertising, posters, etc., etc. See what I mean? The list doesn't end. Hence the reason I haven't slept much lately.

It may be a few weeks before I can update the site and get back to some sense of normalcy. But, what's life without a little conflict? Just another day as far as I'm concerned and that wouldn't be any fun!

So, better get back at it before my brain starts to melt again. I just got it back to the point where I can make a somewhat rational thought! Even that's starting to fade.


Posted by brookside10 at 1:49 PM MST | Post Comment | Permalink

Monday, 11 October 2004

Ever feel some days that you just can't keep up?

You know, when I originally started this blog I had plenty of time on my hands. Now, I have almost no time and I feel as if I've been neglecting it. But, I'm still trying to get on here as much as I can. And I'm trying to re-visit the other sites as well.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. The whole get together with the family and eat turkey thing. My family really doesn't do much on any other holiday except Christmas.  That's alright. There are alot of other families just like that.

So, my day will be spent getting caught up on other things that I have no time to do throughout the week.

As I've mentioned before, things with the play are heating up. Our set is now almost 100% complete. There are just a few minor things to do. Such as touch-ups here and there and just adding a few things like pictures and so forth. Costuming is pretty well done. I'm having to work on a couple of the costumes myself. And if one of the dresses isn't done in time, I guess I'll have to do that as well.

Not that I mind or anything. The last play that I was in, I had to make my own costume. Good thing I had a couple of days to do it. I guess I just wasn't completely prepared for what was ahead.

I didn't realize that the director literally does EVERYTHING in dinner theatre. Sets, costumes, budget, props, etc. I now have a much better respect for directors. Now that I know that they have to have a handle on all aspects of the show. This experience has really been positive and I've learned so much.

Yes, my fellow actors can drive me NUTS sometimes. And yes, there are times when I rue the day that I ever volunteered to direct this play. But, for all of that, I wouldn't have traded this experience for anything. I'm not sure if I'll be as quick to jump into the director's chair again, but at least I know what to expect now.

Things in Canada are starting to get cold. I'm not a fan of cold. As far as I'm concerned if it's not around 25 Celsius, it's cold. And we haven't really had any summer. I believe the meteorologists said we had about 53 days of rain just in the summertime. The ground was so permeated with water that I had a lovely bunch of mushrooms growing all over the lawn.

Lately, there's been alot going on in my life and it's been a little stressful.  Considering running off and joining the circus.

It is actually a beautiful day outside, though. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and it's only going to be a 4 day week. It's great to have a 3 day weekend.

I'm still searching for the elusive George Jetson job. You know, the one where you work one day a week for a few hours and all you do is push a button all day long.

Actually, I really would like to get a good acting job. When I was on the set of the movie the other week, I had a blast. It was repetitive and there was alot of standing around, but it was great.

For a while, you get to pretend to be someone else. It's like when you were a kid. You'd be outside with your friends pretending to be a superhero or something like that. I think that's what's missing in adult life. No play time. No escape from reality. For a few hours you can just escape into an alternate world and forget about all of your problems. The sick cat, the leaky faucet, the bills.

Well, I'm going to sign off. I think I'm going to numb my mind for a few hours with some tv and then blast it with caffeine. Have a Happy Gobble, Gobble to all you Canadians out there.


Posted by brookside10 at 11:47 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2015 6:04 PM MDT

Thursday, 30 September 2004

Boy, what a weekend!
It's been a busy week and it was a busy weekend.

We had our annual general meeting. It went really well. Somehow, though, I ended up being elected as Production Director. I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do. As far as I know, I just show up to the meetings and make sure that no one screws up the shows. Beyond that, I expect there's not much! I'm sure there's more to it, but I'm almost afraid to ask.

I went to my step-mother's birthday party without any clue what to get her. She's incredibly difficult to buy for. She's one of those women who "expects" you to know what to get her. Like I actually listen to every word that she says throughout the year to get just even a slight hint on what to buy her! So, I brought a fruit tray and provided the entertainment (I sang a few numbers). And I also stopped my Dad from going ass over tea kettle into the fire about 6 or 7 times, so I think I've done my part.

My dad, on the other hand, is usually easy to buy for. He always used to tell us when we were kids that he would be happy with a homemade card. Something like that was much more special as it was made by us especially for him.

For his birthday, however, I thought that I would get him something a little unique as far as he was concerned. My dad is 74 years old. He's diabetic and frequently lets his blood sugar drop way too low. He's passed out a few times. And my step-mother has had 3 heart attacks. Add that to the fact that my dad is a clutz and it spells Personal Handheld Radios. So, my brother and I got them a set. I figured that the next time my dad crashed his head into something or if someone breaks a hip, at least the other one can call an ambulance and will know where the other is.

Usually, we buy him tools. But he has everything. Literally. Chainsaw, jack hammer, drill press, you name...he has it. If he doesn't have it, then no one needs it. He used to build houses, so you kind of have to be well supplied. It just makes it harder to buy for him. He already has all of the less expensive items. The only thing he doesn't have is a welder and I don't want to dish out the money for that sort of a thing.

Well, I have to send away some stuff for our promotions people. I got a call from my agent. Looks like I'll be cast in a movie. It's only an extras job, but at least it's a paying one and it's something to put on my bio.

I'll leave you with this final thought (for those who remember the Uncle Bobby show):

Have a happy day, even if it's not your birthday!


Posted by brookside10 at 5:35 PM MDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink

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