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Brookside - Blog Links

Wednesday, 28 July 2004

Brothers - Part One
I have one brother. He's a good kid, really. He's actually only about 15 months younger than I am. I call him a kid because mentally he's really only about 12 or 13 years old.

When he was born, the umbilical cord was around his neck. As a result, there was an oxygen depletion to the brain. He's not stupid, he just has trouble with comprehension sometimes and with learning. All in all, though, he's a really good person.

All of us in the family are greatful that he doesn't have any bad influences in his life. He's pretty impressionable. I remember that I was living in Calgary when my dad told me that he moved out. I was so scared that I started to cry.

My brother and I had always been there for each other. I could tell what he was thinking from the expression on his face. I had always looked after him.

When I was about 5, my parents bought a travel trailer. We spent our first of many summers at a lake only about 30 minutes away. My brother and I were swimming and I remember another kid came up and splashed water in his face. Of course, my brother being 4, started crying.

He used to have these huge cheeks and big, dark brown eyes. When he cried, it just broke your heart because these crocodile sized tears would be streaming down his face.

Anyway, me being the big sister got revenge. I splashed water in the other kid's face. I then put my arm around my brother and led him to shore. Not before telling the other kid, "No one splashes my baby brother!".

Kind of cute, huh? Well, what can I say.

I'm going to leave you with that thought while I prepare for part two.


Posted by brookside10 at 8:56 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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